A list of public boards on Qlearly

2 min readFeb 6, 2019

We made it easy for users to create public boards. Here is a list of some of our favorites.

On Qlearly, we made it easy for you to create a public board or column. This makes it easy for you to create a curated list of resources. After receiving a few submissions, here is a list of some of our favorites:

📚 Books recommended by:

Bill Gates
Drew Huston
Elon Musk
Jack Dorsey
Jeff Bezos
Kevin Rose
Mark Zuckerberg
Naval Ravikant
Paul Graham
Tim Ferris
Warren Buffet
Best SaaS Reads

Click here for the full list in one board.

We will keep adding more to this list as we receive them.

You can submit your board to us by using our contact form.




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